Integrating Art

New Mexican Woodcarving

Our beloved traditional New Mexican woodcarving program provides an interdisciplinary experience for sixth-grade students who study the art and history of Islamic culture. 

The students practice precision in measurement and calculation as they develop their own design patterns inspired by the rich Moorish traditions brought to our region from Spain. Then, with the focus, patience, and precision necessary to the task, the girls apprentice with master woodcarver, Miguel Chavez, who guides them as they ultimately produce a fine piece of traditionally carved furniture.


We offer elective classes which expose students to a wide range of subjects. Arts-related electives have included African dance and drumming, choral composition, belly dancing, fashion design, book making, sewing, calligraphy, drama, baking, photography, and others. Non-arts electives have included American Sign Language, wilderness survival skills, fencing, strength training, Assistance Dogs of the West, volleyball, yoga, auto mechanics, and more.


Each year we dedicate time to a 10-session poetry intensive with poet Michelle Holland. Students read others’ poetry and write and share their own. The experience allows students the opportunity to integrate the language of poetry and poetic expression into the way they think, communicate, write, experience, and reflect the world we inhabit, teaching them the power of language and voice. The series is funded by the Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry.

Carving Raffle

Help us raise funds for next year's projects!

Carving Auction

Help us raise funds for next year's projects!
“The experience of this poetry workshop nurtures everyone involved.”
Michelle Holland
Michelle Holland
Poetry Teacher
“You get to write poems about yourself.  You realize what you are feeling and thinking.  You get to be true to yourself.”

Bliss is a Ripe Periwinkle Peach,
take a deep breath in and allow life to lose its details,
like the juicy dribble
that runs down your cheek.
The harmless fuzz that doesn’t need a purpose,
allows a bite, or just a nibble.

Sydney, 6th
(from an exercise based on Emily Dickinson’s “Hope is a Thing with Feathers”)


Shelley Robinson
Art Teacher
"Students love the challenge of working with new materials and tools like soil painting, printmaking, encaustic, and stained glass. A favorite project is Self-Portraiture: How Do You See Yourself? Art at the Girls’ School gives students a chance to explore their adolescent identities.”
I love our art room. We do great projects and have a lot of freedom to do what we want and move around the art space.
Art Class
Student with figure
Art Class with easels